Reading time, 3 minutes: Are mobile phones in class causing more harm than good? Students who spend more time on their phones in class perform significantly worse academically, with in-class phone use doubling the negative impact. Do mobile phones help or hinder learning? This research examines the impact of mobile phone usage on student academic performance (n = 43). […] Reading time, 3 minutes: Are mobile phones in class causing more harm than good? Students who spend more time on their phones in class perform significantly worse academically, with in-class phone use doubling the negative impact. Do mobile phones help or hinder learning? This research examines the impact of mobile phone usage on student academic performance (n = 43). Academic Research, Social Media, Technology (edTech), academic performance, attention span in students, classroom distractions, Cognitive Overload, Cognitive Science, digital distractions, Educational technology, mobile phone ban, mobile phone research, mobile phones in schools, multitasking and learning, Neuroeducation, phone use in class, retrieval practice, school mobile phone policy, screen time and learning, Student Engagement, student focus, teacher strategies, teaching strategies TeacherToolkit
Using Mobile Phones Hinders Academic Success!