Water was Already Present in Primordial Universe 100-200 Million Years after Big Bang

Water was Already Present in Primordial Universe 100-200 Million Years after Big Bang
This artist’s impression shows the evolution of the Universe beginning with the Big Bang on the left followed by the appearance of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The formation of the first stars ends the cosmic dark ages, followed by the formation of galaxies. Image credit: M. Weiss / Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Described in a paper that appears today in the journal Nature Astronomy, the discovery means habitable exoplanets could have started forming much earlier — before the first galaxies formed and billions of years earlier than was previously thought.

The post Water was Already Present in Primordial Universe 100-200 Million Years after Big Bang appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Described in a paper that appears today in the journal Nature Astronomy, the discovery means habitable exoplanets could have started forming much earlier — before the first galaxies formed and billions of years earlier than was previously thought.
The post Water was Already Present in Primordial Universe 100-200 Million Years after Big Bang appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, Big Bang, Early Universe, Galaxy, Galaxy formation, Hydrogen, Metallicity, Oxygen, Planet formation, Population III star, Star, Star formation, Supernova, Universe, Water Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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