- ‘We were not ready for their marriage’: Father of techie who killed wife in Bengaluru The Times of India
- ‘Slapped, gagged, stabbed her in abdomen’: How Bengaluru techie stuffed wife into suitcase while she was The Times of India
- Bengaluru suitcase murder: Husband of the victim tries to end life, detained in Maharashtra’s Satara The Hindu
- Bengaluru Techie Kills Wife, Stuffs Body in Suitcase, Then Attempts Suicide NDTV
- Bengaluru techie spent all night talking to wife’s body after allegedly killing her: Report Hindustan Times
‘We were not ready for their marriage’: Father of techie who killed wife in Bengaluru The Times of India’Slapped, gagged, stabbed her in abdomen’: How Bengaluru techie stuffed wife into suitcase while she was The Times of IndiaBengaluru suitcase murder: Husband of the victim tries to end life, detained in Maharashtra’s Satara The HinduBengaluru Techie Kills Wife, Stuffs Body in Suitcase, Then Attempts Suicide NDTVBengaluru techie spent all night talking to wife’s body after allegedly killing her: Report Hindustan Times Top stories – Google News