What are ‘Waspi women’ and why do they feel betrayed over pensions?

What are ‘Waspi women’ and why do they feel betrayed over pensions?

State pensions, Pensions, UK news, Politics, Money, Women, Older people, Society Business | The Guardian

​How women born in the 1950s have lost out in changes to the UK state pension age – and what happens nextThe UK government has stirred up a hornet’s nest with its decision to deny compensation to what could be millions of “Waspi women”.The women are said to have lost out because of government failings in the way changes to the state pension age were communicated. Continue reading… 

How women born in the 1950s have lost out in changes to the UK state pension age – and what happens next

The UK government has stirred up a hornet’s nest with its decision to deny compensation to what could be millions of “Waspi women”.

The women are said to have lost out because of government failings in the way changes to the state pension age were communicated.

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