What Can Teachers Learn from the Autistic Brain

What Can Teachers Learn from the Autistic Brain

Understanding The BrainReading time, 3 minutes: What can teachers learn from the autistic brain? Autism research suggests some autistic people have too many brain connections while others show too few. So which is it, and can this question be resolved by examining brain development over time? How autism affects brain connectivity This research re-examines how autism affects brain connectivity and suggests […] Reading time, 3 minutes: What can teachers learn from the autistic brain? Autism research suggests some autistic people have too many brain connections while others show too few. So which is it, and can this question be resolved by examining brain development over time? How autism affects brain connectivity This research re-examines how autism affects brain connectivity and suggests Academic Research, SEND, Autism, autism research, autism support, autism teaching strategies, autistic students, brain connectivity, brain development, Cognitive Development, developmental neuroscience, educational neuroscience, executive function, learning differences, neurodevelopment, Neuroeducation, puberty and autism, special education, teaching strategies TeacherToolkit

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