What is the best way to write a crossword clue describing Elon Musk?

What is the best way to write a crossword clue describing Elon Musk?

Cryptic setters have more fun than American constructors, as long as the Trump/Musk alliance holds

Pity the constructor of American crosswords. A name appears in the news and it is made of four especially useful letters. It appears more and more throughout the 2010s and previously you would have clued it by making reference to a not especially well known university in North Carolina.

But after a few good years, and assuming you want your puzzle to offer a refuge from the miseries in the rest of the paper, ELON becomes the last thing your solvers want to think about with their coffee. The ENEMA of the 2020s.

26ac Joke – of kind – sees Trump getting irritated? (9,4)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘getting irritated’) of KINDSEESTRUMP ]
[ definition: a joke of just the kind Vlad describes ]

28d Reform UK’s master? (4)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘reform’) of UKS & M (‘master’) ]
[ definition: whole clue ]

30ac Half of Elon Musk’s head is wood (3)
[ wordplay: first two letters (‘half’) of ELON & first letter (‘head’) of MUSK ]
[ definition: wood ]

Continue reading… Cryptic setters have more fun than American constructors, as long as the Trump/Musk alliance holdsPity the constructor of American crosswords. A name appears in the news and it is made of four especially useful letters. It appears more and more throughout the 2010s and previously you would have clued it by making reference to a not especially well known university in North Carolina.But after a few good years, and assuming you want your puzzle to offer a refuge from the miseries in the rest of the paper, ELON becomes the last thing your solvers want to think about with their coffee. The ENEMA of the 2020s.26ac Joke – of kind – sees Trump getting irritated? (9,4)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘getting irritated’) of KINDSEESTRUMP ]
[ definition: a joke of just the kind Vlad describes ]28d Reform UK’s master? (4)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘reform’) of UKS & M (‘master’) ]
[ definition: whole clue ]30ac Half of Elon Musk’s head is wood (3)
[ wordplay: first two letters (‘half’) of ELON & first letter (‘head’) of MUSK ]
[ definition: wood ] Continue reading… Hobbies, Life and style, Crosswords, Elon Musk 

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