When were the first brick houses made and why do bees buzz? Try our kids’ quiz

When were the first brick houses made and why do bees buzz? Try our kids’ quiz

Five multiple-choice questions – set by children – to test your knowledge, and a chance to submit your own junior brainteasers for future quizzes

Submit a question

Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering children’s questions, out now as a book.

Does your child have a question? Submit one here

Continue reading… Five multiple-choice questions – set by children – to test your knowledge, and a chance to submit your own junior brainteasers for future quizzesSubmit a questionMolly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering children’s questions, out now as a book.Does your child have a question? Submit one here Continue reading… Family, Life and style, Quiz and trivia games 

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