Why bridge trumps chess as the game to play | Letter

Why bridge trumps chess as the game to play | Letter

Martin S Taylor extols the virtues of bridge in the face of the growing popularity of chess

While applauding the boom in chess (Editorial, 14 March), may I put in a word for bridge? It has everything chess has (including a booming online community) and much more. It is a partnership game, and cooperating with a partner teaches skills that chess players can’t comprehend.

Played in a club (either online or face to face), each round brings different opponents. A hand of bridge is played relatively quickly, and it’s easy to enjoy a couple of hands in a coffee break.

Continue reading… Martin S Taylor extols the virtues of bridge in the face of the growing popularity of chessWhile applauding the boom in chess (Editorial, 14 March), may I put in a word for bridge? It has everything chess has (including a booming online community) and much more. It is a partnership game, and cooperating with a partner teaches skills that chess players can’t comprehend.Played in a club (either online or face to face), each round brings different opponents. A hand of bridge is played relatively quickly, and it’s easy to enjoy a couple of hands in a coffee break. Continue reading… Bridge, Sport, Chess, Board games, Life and style 

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