We apply the Crossword Test to see whether terms like ‘romantasy’ have entered general usage
Do you, when you encounter dictionary compilers’ lists of words of the year, wonder: does anyone actually use these phrases?
And are your suspicions heightened as more of the words must be offered with explanations: “to LAMEFARM is to feign being out of touch as a means of seeking attention, from a viral animation about a sassy talking nappy”? (That’s made up, by the way.)
26a Naughty child is on the loo (but only half) somewhere in Slovakia (10)
[ wordplay: BRAT + IS + half of LAVATORY ]
[ definition: somewhere in Slovakia ]
2d Banger from Charli xcx album practised in auditorium (9)
[ wordplay: title of a Charli xcx album + soundalike (‘in auditorium’) of ‘versed’ (‘practised’) ]
[ definition: banger ]
21a Sky boss’s remarkable supermajority sees Roy and Sam sadly losing out (7)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘remarkable’) of SUPERMAJORITY without the letters of ROY and SAM ]
[ definition: sky boss ]
Continue reading… We apply the Crossword Test to see whether terms like ‘romantasy’ have entered general usageDo you, when you encounter dictionary compilers’ lists of words of the year, wonder: does anyone actually use these phrases?And are your suspicions heightened as more of the words must be offered with explanations: “to LAMEFARM is to feign being out of touch as a means of seeking attention, from a viral animation about a sassy talking nappy”? (That’s made up, by the way.)26a Naughty child is on the loo (but only half) somewhere in Slovakia (10)
[ wordplay: BRAT + IS + half of LAVATORY ]
[ definition: somewhere in Slovakia ]2d Banger from Charli xcx album practised in auditorium (9)
[ wordplay: title of a Charli xcx album + soundalike (‘in auditorium’) of ‘versed’ (‘practised’) ]
[ definition: banger ]21a Sky boss’s remarkable supermajority sees Roy and Sam sadly losing out (7)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘remarkable’) of SUPERMAJORITY without the letters of ROY and SAM ]
[ definition: sky boss ] Continue reading… Crosswords, Life and style, Hobbies