You be the judge: my flatmate works from home full-time – should he pay more of the bills?

You be the judge: my flatmate works from home full-time – should he pay more of the bills?

Maeve thinks Richard should chip in more as he’s home all day while she’s in the office. Richard says a 50/50 split is fairest. You decide which of them is on a power trip
Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror

I’m in the office four days out of five, while Richard works at home and racks up the energy bills

Continue reading… Maeve thinks Richard should chip in more as he’s home all day while she’s in the office. Richard says a 50/50 split is fairest. You decide which of them is on a power tripFind out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorI’m in the office four days out of five, while Richard works at home and racks up the energy bills Continue reading… Life and style, Cohabitation, Friendship 

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