Eddie is happy to take his folks’ old stuff but Edith wants to bring her own style to their new flat. You decide whose argument gets thrown in the skip
Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror
We’re on a tight budget and the stuff is ready to go. My parents think it’s crazy to turn them down
We’re making a fresh start – I don’t want old stuff I don’t like in our new home. It’s not my style
Continue reading… Eddie is happy to take his folks’ old stuff but Edith wants to bring her own style to their new flat. You decide whose argument gets thrown in the skipFind out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorWe’re on a tight budget and the stuff is ready to go. My parents think it’s crazy to turn them downWe’re making a fresh start – I don’t want old stuff I don’t like in our new home. It’s not my style Continue reading… Life and style, Relationships