You be the judge: should my boyfriend chill out and lounge around with me at the weekend?

You be the judge: should my boyfriend chill out and lounge around with me at the weekend?

Amanda wants to spend her free time unwinding, but her boyfriend Paul likes planned activities. You decide who needs to take a chill pill

Paul will relax for a bit if I force him to, but he can’t wait to rush out the door and do stuff

Amanda wants us to stay in pyjamas all weekend, but that is a complete waste of time in summer

Continue reading… Amanda wants to spend her free time unwinding, but her boyfriend Paul likes planned activities. You decide who needs to take a chill pillPaul will relax for a bit if I force him to, but he can’t wait to rush out the door and do stuffAmanda wants us to stay in pyjamas all weekend, but that is a complete waste of time in summer Continue reading… Relationships, Life and style 

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