Margaret planned to spend the holidays in Vietnam with her partner, but her son thinks the family should be together. Is she being flighty? You decide
Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror
I don’t mind Mum wanting to visit Vietnam, but why at Christmas, a time our family is always together?
Paul called me selfish for booking the trip without telling him. But I’m 68 and want to see the world
Continue reading… Margaret planned to spend the holidays in Vietnam with her partner, but her son thinks the family should be together. Is she being flighty? You decideFind out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorI don’t mind Mum wanting to visit Vietnam, but why at Christmas, a time our family is always together?Paul called me selfish for booking the trip without telling him. But I’m 68 and want to see the world Continue reading… Family, Life and style, Parents and parenting