You Can Now Pre-Order “The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox 2.0”

You Can Now Pre-Order “The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox 2.0”


You can now pre-order the second edition of the ELL Teacher’s Toolbox (titled The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox 2.0) on Amazon.

The site says the publication date is next March.  However, we submitted the manuscript early, so I suspect (though am not at all sure) that it will be out earlier.

All old chapters have been revised, and sixteen new ones have been added.  Three hundred pages of  additional pages of content have been added to the paper edition (we moved all the references and appendixes online), and ten chapters will be online.

The first edition is a VERY BIG book.  The second edition is going to be a HUGE one, and you won’t believe all the downloadable materials that will be available to freely download with no registration required.

Unfortunately, the publisher says they need to increase the sales price (not our call) because of the size of the book.

I know I’d buy it if I hadn’t co-authored it.


   You can now pre-order the second edition of the ELL Teacher’s Toolbox (titled The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox 2.0) on Amazon. The site says the publication date is next March.  However, we submitted the manuscript early, so I suspect (though am not at all sure) that it will be out earlier. All old chapters have ESL Web Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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